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Texas Driving While Intoxicated


Under Texas law, the first time you are stopped for a DWI you will likely be facing a misdemeanor charge. Depending on various factors, you could be facing Class A or Class B charges; typically Class A charges are lodged if you submit to a blood or breath test and it shows a BAC of more than .15 or if you were previously charged with a DWI.

police doing drunk test on someone

In most cases, a Class B misdemeanor wil not result in jail time. A first offense usually results in your sentence being negotiated to probation. However, during your probation, you may have to perform community service, attend an alcohol safety course and you may also face a surcharge on your insurance.

One of the first things you will need to do after a DWI arrest is fight to restore your driving rights. In many cases, you will be given a Notice of Temporary Driving Permit when you’re arrested. This allows you to drive for a period of 15 days while you wait for an administrative hearing.

When you are arrested on a DWI charge, you have the right to consult with an attorney and you should do so immediately. Keep in mind, you will have a life-long criminal record if convicted; this is why it’s so important to contact The Crawshaw Law Firm, PLLC at (210) 595-1553 if you are arrested for DWI anywhere in Texas.


Texas residents who have two prior DWI arrests will face felony charges if they are facing a third arrest. Additionally, felony charges may apply if a minor child was in the car while you were driving drunk. You can also face felony charges if you were involved in a motor vehicle accident causing bodily injury or death while intoxicated.

person handcuffed by wrecked car

It is important to remember a first-time DWI charge that involves injury, a minor child or a death will also result in your being charged with a state jail felony. This means if you are found guilty, you will be facing up to two years in state prison and fines of up to $10,000.

Being arrested on a DWI charge is serious enough, but if you’re facing felony driving charges, you need an aggressive criminal defense attorney who will help you navigate the entire legal proceedings and throughout the process including during your probationary period.

Any resident of Texas including San Antonio, TX and South Texas who has been arrested and is facing felony DWI charges should contact The Crawshaw Law Firm, PLLC immediately at (210) 595-1553My goal is always to mitigate the charges against you and fight aggressively for your freedom.

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